data = [x.split() for x in load(2)]df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["instruction", "amount"])df["amount"] = df["amount"].apply(int)totals = df.groupby("instruction").sum()(totals.loc["forward"] * (totals.loc["down"] - totals.loc["up"])).iat[0]
Part 2
state = (0, 0, 0)ops = {"down": lambda x, y: (x[0] + y, x[1], x[2]),"up": lambda x, y: (x[0] - y, x[1], x[2]),"forward": lambda x, y: (x[0], x[1] + y, x[2] + x[0] * y),}for row in data: state = ops[row[0]](state, int(row[1]))print(state[1] * state[2])
data = load(4, "raw").split("\n\n")numbers = np.array([int(x) for x in data[0].strip().split(",")])boards = np.array( [int(x) for x in" ".join(data[1:]).replace("\n", " ").split()]).reshape(-1, 5, 5)def winning_array(boards):return ((boards ==-1).all(axis=2) | (boards ==-1).all(axis=1)).any(axis=1)for number in numbers: boards[np.where(boards == number)] =-1if winning_array(boards).any():breakindex = np.where(winning_array(boards))np.sum(, mask=(boards ==-1))[index]) * number
Part 2
Figure out which board will win last. Once it wins, what would its final score be?
for number in numbers: boards[np.where(boards == number)] =-1 wins = winning_array(boards)if wins.sum() ==len(boards) -1: index = np.where(~wins)[0]if wins.all():breaknp.sum(, mask=(boards ==-1))[index]) * number
segments = [line.split("|")[1].split() for line in load(8)]mylen = np.vectorize(len)np.isin(mylen(segments), [2, 3, 4, 7]).sum()
Part 2
This is an obvious task for constraint programming. It feels a bit like cheating, so I’ll see if I can come up with a home-grown approach at a later stage. I’ll start by describing the segment pattern of each digit. I’m deliberately using numbers for the segment positions and letters for the segment names so that I don’t get confused.
We can do part 2 by exploiting the structure in our data.
We know that every digit occurs before the pipe for every row in our input.
Using that, we can immediately identify segment 1, segments {36} segments {24} and segments {57}.
The three five segment numbers let us disambiguate {147}, {25}, {36}. 147 occur in every group, 25 in only 1 and 36 in two
The three six segment numbers let us disambiguate {1267}, {345}.
1 is the segment present in 3 but not in 2.
2 is the segment present in 4, not present in 2, and present in every 6
3 is the segment present in 2 which is not present in every 6
4 is the segment present in 4, not present in 2, and not present in every 6
5 is the segment not present in 4 which only occurs once in 5
6 is the segment which is present in 2 and is present in every 6
7 is the segment present in every 5, not present in every 6, not present in 4
It’s not super elegant, and I kind of prefer just using the generalised constraints programming.
lines = load(10)pairs = ["[]", "()", "<>", "{}"]def normalize(string): old_string = stringwhileTrue:for pair in pairs: string = string.replace(pair, "")if string == old_string:break old_string = stringreturn stringscores = {")": 3, "]": 57, "}": 1197, ">": 25137}total =0for line in lines: normalized = normalize(line) indices = np.array([normalized.find(pair[1]) for pair in pairs])if (indices ==-1).all():continue index =min(index for index in indices if index !=-1) total += scores[normalized[index]]print(total)
Part 2
delimiters =" ([{<"scores = []for line in lines: normalized = normalize(line) indices = np.array([normalized.find(pair[1]) for pair in pairs])if (indices !=-1).any():continue scores.append( functools.reduce(lambda x, y: 5* x + delimiters.find(y), normalized[::-1], 0) )int(np.median(scores))
def flatten(mylist):return (element for sublist in mylist for element in sublist)def edges_to_tree(edges, repeat_visits=0): tree = defaultdict(set)for e1, e2 in edges: tree[e1].add(e2) tree[e2].add(e1)return treedef remove_node(tree, node): tree = tree.copy() neighbors = tree[node]del tree[node]for neighbor in neighbors: tree[neighbor] = tree[neighbor] -set([node])return treedef paths(tree, node, end):if node == end:return [(end,)]ifnot tree[node]:return [] new_tree = tree if node == node.upper() else remove_node(tree, node)return [ (node,) + xfor x in flatten([paths(new_tree, neighbor, end) for neighbor in tree[node]]) ]edges = [line.split("-") for line in load(12)]tree = edges_to_tree(edges)len(paths(tree, "start", "end"))
Part 2
def paths(tree):def inner(subtree, node, end, state):if node == end:return [(end,)]ifnot subtree[node]:return [] new_tree = subtree if node == node.upper() else remove_node(subtree, node) tail = [inner(new_tree, neighbor, end, state) for neighbor in subtree[node]]if state ==1and node !="start": tail += [inner(subtree, neighbor, end, 0) for neighbor in subtree[node]]return [(node,) + x for x in flatten(tail)]return inner(tree, "start", "end", 1)len(set(paths(tree)))
Here’s another puzzle that seems tailor made for a transition matrix based approach. We are given an initial state, and a set of rules for producing the next state from the current state. The rules are all phrased in terms of pairs, so we should work in the basis of pairs of elements.
A rule like CH -> B should be interpreted as state “CH” produces states “CB” and “BH” in the next generation.
Part 1
state_string ="VCOPVNKPFOOVPVSBKCOF"data = load(14)transition_elements ="".join(line.replace(" -> ", "") for line in data)elements =sorted(set(state_string + transition_elements))n =len(elements)def encode(pair):return elements.index(pair[0]) * n + elements.index(pair[1])initial_pairs = [encode(state_string[i : i +2]) for i inrange(len(state_string) -1)]initial_state = np.zeros(n**2, dtype=np.int64)for pair in initial_pairs: initial_state[pair] +=1transition_matrix = np.zeros((n**2, n**2), dtype=np.int64)for line in data: source, target = line.split(" -> ") transition_matrix[encode(source), encode(source[0] + target)] =1 transition_matrix[encode(source), encode(target + source[1])] =1def count(state): result = defaultdict(int) result[state_string[0]] +=1 result[state_string[-1]] +=1for index, number inenumerate(state): result[elements[int(index % n)]] += number result[elements[int(index // n)]] += numberreturn {k: int(v /2) for k, v in result.items()}totals = count(initial_state.T @ (np.linalg.matrix_power(transition_matrix, 10)))pd.Series(totals).max() - pd.Series(totals).min()
nybbles = {hex(i)[2:]: bin(i)[2:].rjust(4, "0") for i inrange(16)}def parse(bitstring):iflen(bitstring) ==0orset(bitstring) ==set("0"):return0, 0 version =int(bitstring[:3], 2) offset =3 type_id =int(bitstring[offset : offset +3], 2) offset +=3if type_id ==4:whileTrue: chunk = bitstring[offset : offset +5] offset +=5if chunk[0] !="1":breakreturn version, offset kind = bitstring[offset] offset +=1if kind =="0": length =int(bitstring[offset : offset +15], 2) offset +=15 target = offset + lengthwhile offset != target: dv, do = parse(bitstring[offset:]) version += dv offset += doreturn version, targetif kind =="1": n_operators =int(bitstring[offset : offset +11], 2) offset +=11for i inrange(n_operators): dv, do = parse(bitstring[offset:]) version += dv offset += doreturn version, offsetdata = load(16)[0]bits ="".join(nybbles[x.lower()] for x in data)parse(bits)
Part 2
For part 2, we have to completely ignore the version number and actually do something with the data associated with each packet. Actually moving through the packet happens in the same way, but what we have to do at each level is sufficiently different that it’s not worth it to try and reuse the parsing function.
def to_node(thing, depth):ifisinstance(thing, int):return thingelifisinstance(thing, Pair):for node in thing.traverse(): node.depth +=1return thingelse:return Pair(thing[0], thing[1], depth +1)class Pair:def__init__(self, left, right, depth=0):self.depth = depthself.left = to_node(left, depth)self.right = to_node(right, depth)def leftmost(self):returnselfifisinstance(self.left, int) elseself.left.leftmost()def rightmost(self):returnselfifisinstance(self.right, int) elseself.right.rightmost()defsum(self): left =self.left ifisinstance(self.left, int) elseself.left.sum() right =self.right ifisinstance(self.right, int) elseself.right.sum()return3* left +2* rightdef traverse(self): left = [] ifisinstance(self.left, int) elseself.left.traverse() right = [] ifisinstance(self.right, int) elseself.right.traverse()return left + [self] + rightdefreduce(self):whileTrue: altered =False altered =self.explode()ifnot altered: altered =self.split()ifnot altered:returnselfdef split(self):for node inself.traverse():for d in ["left", "right"]: val =getattr(node, d)ifisinstance(val, int) and val >=10:setattr(node, d, Pair(val //2, val //2+ val %2, node.depth +1))returnTruereturnFalsedef explode(self): traversal =self.traverse()for idx, node inenumerate(traversal):if node.depth ==4:if idx ==len(traversal) -1: parent = traversal[idx -1] direction ="right"elif traversal[idx +1].left == node: parent = traversal[idx +1] direction ="left"else: parent = traversal[idx -1] direction ="right"setattr(parent, direction, 0)if idx !=0:ifisinstance(traversal[idx -1].left, int): traversal[idx -1].left += node.leftelse: left_neighbor = traversal[idx -1].left.rightmost() left_neighbor.right += node.leftif idx !=len(traversal) -1:ifisinstance(traversal[idx +1].right, int): traversal[idx +1].right += node.rightelse: right_neighbor = traversal[idx +1].right.leftmost() right_neighbor.left += node.rightreturnTruereturnFalsesnumbers = [eval(line) for line in load(18)]result = Pair(*snumbers[0])for snumber in snumbers[1:]: result = Pair(result, Pair(*snumber)).reduce()print(result.sum())
Part 2
maxval =0for left, right in itertools.permutations(snumbers, 2): total = (Pair(left, right).reduce()).sum() maxval = total if total > maxval else maxvalmaxval
We’ll start by generating the 24 rotation matrices. There are six possible ways of permuting the axes, and eight possible sign conventions. Half of the sign conventions will be left-handed, so we discard them
Then we find overlapping scanners in the input and populate a map (x, y) with the matrices to convert from y coordinates to x coordinates
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareformfoo = load(19, "raw")[:-1]scanners = foo.split("\n\n")scanners = [ np.array( [list(map(int, line.split(","))) for line in scanner.split("\n")[1:]], dtype=int )for scanner in scanners]distances = [squareform(pdist(scanner)) for scanner in scanners]mapping = {}for a, b in itertools.combinations(range(len(scanners)), 2): pairs = [] d0 = distances[a] d1 = distances[b]for i inrange(len(d0)):for j inrange(len(d1)):iflen(np.intersect1d(d1[j], d0[i])) >=12: pairs.append((i, j)) pairs = np.array(pairs)iflen(pairs) <12:continue x0 = scanners[a][pairs[:, 0]] y0 = scanners[b][pairs[:, 1]]for rotation in rotations: c = x0[0] - y0[0] @ rotationif (x0[1:] == (y0[1:] @ rotation + c)).all(): mapping[(a, b)] = [rotation, c] mapping[(b, a)] = [rotation.T, -c @ rotation.T]break
We do some linear algebra to extend this map to all the scanners
whileTrue: done =Truefor x inrange(len(scanners)): columns = [pair[1] for pair in mapping.keys() if pair[0] == x]for y, z in itertools.combinations(columns, 2):if (y, z) notin mapping: done =False Q1, a1 = mapping[(x, y)] Q2, a2 = mapping[(x, z)] mapping[(z, y)] = [Q1 @ Q2.T, (a1 - a2) @ Q2.T] mapping[(y, z)] = [Q2 @ Q1.T, (a2 - a1) @ Q1.T]if done:break
And then we convert all the initial coordinates to one representation and find its length
coords = [tuple(x) for x in scanners[0]]for idx inrange(1, len(scanners)): Q, a = mapping[0, idx] coords += [tuple(x) for x in (np.array(scanners[idx]) @ Q + a)]print(len(set(coords)))
Part 2
What is the largest Manhattan distance between any two scanners?
maxval =0for i, j in itertools.combinations(range(len(scanners)), 2): total =sum(abs(mapping[(i, j)][1]))if total > maxval: maxval = totalmaxval
data = load(20, "raw")pixel_map = {".": 0, "#": 1}key, array = data.split("\n\n")key = np.array([pixel_map[x] for x in key.strip()], dtype=bool)new = np.array( [[pixel_map[x] for x in line.strip()] for line in array.split("\n")[:-1]])for n inrange(1, 51): old = np.pad(new, 2, constant_values=(n %2==0)) new = old.copy()for i inrange(1, len(old) -1):for j inrange(1, len(old) -1): index =sum( (2** np.arange(9)) * old[i -1 : i +2, j -1 : j +2].ravel()[::-1] ) new[i, j] = key[index] new = new[1:-1, 1:-1]if n ==2or n ==50:print(new.sum())
The first part can be solved trivially by using numpy’s indexing
offset =50board = np.zeros((101, 101, 101), dtype=int)def parse_line(line): command, line = line.split(" ") indices = [x.split("..") for x in line.split(",")]return command, [[int(x[0][2:]), int(x[1]) +1] for x in indices]commands = [parse_line(line) for line in load(22)]values = {"on": 1, "off": 0}maxval =0for command, indices in commands: idx = np.ravel(indices) + offsetifmax(abs(idx)) > maxval: maxval =max(abs(idx))if (idx <0).any() or (idx >100).any():continue board[idx[0] : idx[1], idx[2] : idx[3], idx[4] : idx[5]] = values[command]board.sum()
Part 2
The above approach doesn’t work for part two since the field of play is too large; we have ~ 100k elements in each direction, which give ~10**15 elements in total; far too much to keep in memory.
The first step is to realise that the vast majority of the empty space is never touched – so there’s no reason to store all those zeros.
What we can do instead is to store a set containing only the coordinates which are turned on. Turning on more coordinates corresponds to making the union with the new coordinate, while turning off coordinates is a set difference. This automatically accounts for not lighting coordinates which are already lit, and not turning off coordinates which are already off.
Unfortunately, this is still too memory intensive – from the example solution, we see that at the end of the process, 2,758,514,936,282,235 coordinates are on, which is way too many to store individually.
We need an approach that only looks at corners of cuboids, and doesn’t need to store the individual coordinates at all.
If there were only “on” instructions, we could use the inclusion-exclusion principle, along with the fact that the intersection of two cuboids is always another cuboid, or empty.
That is, the volume lit by one “on” instruction is just the volume of the cuboid it represents. The volume lit by two is the sum of the volumes of each, minus the volume of their intersection. The volume lit by three is:
The volume of the individual cuboids
Minus the volume of all the pairwise intersections
Plus the volume of the triple intersection
And this extends to the general case. The volume lit after the nth instruction, N, is:
The volume lit after the (n-1)th instruction plus the volume of N, minus the sum of the volumes of the pairwise intersection of N with all previous instructions, plus the sum of the volumes of intersection of N with all previously calculated pairs, and so on.
Turning a cuboid off is equivalent to removing the intersection between it and all the other cuboids from the sum, and then accounting for the double counting by adding back the triple intersections etc. But that’s the same as we’re doing for the positive cuboid, except for the off cuboid we never add the volume of the individual cuboid
We’re going to need a way of calculating the intersection of two cuboids. But that’s just the intersection of 3 pairs of lines, since the cuboids are axis-aligned. And we can intersect two line segments and hence two cuboids as follows
def intersect_segments(x1, x2): pair = [max(x1[0], x2[0]), min(x1[1], x2[1])]return pair if pair[1] > pair[0] elseFalsedef intersect_cuboids(c1, c2): result = [intersect_segments(*pair) for pair inzip(c1, c2)]return result ifall(result) elseFalse
The segments were originally given as closed intervals, but the parsing converted them to open intervals. The length of each is thus the endpoint minus the starting point. The volume of a cuboid is just the product the three lengths:
def cuboid_volume(cuboid):return np.product([[line[1] - line[0]] for line in cuboid])
The approach we’ll take is to process the list of instructions sequentially, calculating the various intersections as we go. They’ll go in a list where the first element represents the positive terms, and the second represents the negative terms. The final score is then just the sum of the positive values minus the sum of the negative values
Putting it all together gives the following. For each instruction, we intersect with all previous cuboids, and swap the signs. If it’s an “on” instruction, we also add the whole region to the list of positive volumes.
def reboot(instructions): state = [[], []]for instruction, region in instructions: extra = [region] if instruction =="on"else [] clipped_state = [ [c for cuboid in s if (c := intersect_cuboids(cuboid, region))]for s in state ] state = [state[0] + clipped_state[1] + extra, state[1] + clipped_state[0]]returnsum(map(cuboid_volume, state[0])) -sum(map(cuboid_volume, state[1]))reboot(commands)
This is definitely not pretty, and takes a bunch of time to run as well, but it works. This is a pathfinding problem: Given some initial state, our goal is to move to the final state with as small a cost as possible.
The tricky thing is to find the neighboring positions that can be reached from a given position with a valid move. There are only two types of moves
Room to hallway
Hallway to room
The third type (room straight to final room) is just the composition of the above two moves.
Once we have a method for finding neighbors, actually running the pathfinding is comparatively simple. This could probably be improved by including a heuristic for how far away a given state is from the finish, but getting finding and calculating a suitable heuristic is fiddly.
value_to_letter = {0: " ", 1: "A", 10: "B", 100: "C", 1000: "D"}letter_to_value = {v: k for k, v in value_to_letter.items()}number_to_room = {10**i: i for i inrange(4)}room_to_number = {v: k for k, v in number_to_room.items()}def find_blockers(room, n): top_row =list(range(4* n, 4* n +7)) distances = [1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1] left = top_row[: room +2][::-1], np.cumsum(distances[: room +2][::-1]) right = top_row[room +2 :], np.cumsum(distances[room +2 :])return left, rightdef find_moves(position, n=2): position = np.array(position)def is_endgame(room):returnset(position[n * room : n * (room +1)]) <=set( [0, room_to_number[room]] ) possible_moves = []for i in [idx +4* n for idx, val inenumerate(position[4* n :]) if val !=0]: room = number_to_room[position[i]]ifnot is_endgame(room):continue left, right = find_blockers(room, n) moves, costs = left if i in left[0] else right index = moves.index(i)if (position[moves[:index]] !=0).any():continue offset = np.argwhere(position[n * room : n * (room +1)] ==0)[0][0] new_position = n * room + offset cost = costs[index] + n -1- offset possible_moves.append((i, new_position, cost))for room inrange(4): target = room * nif is_endgame(room):continue offset = np.argwhere(position[target : target + n])[-1][-1] moves, costs = [], []for block, steps in find_blockers(room, n): free = np.maximum.accumulate(position[block]) ==0ifnot free.any():continue n_free = np.argwhere(free)[-1][-1] +1 moves += block[:n_free] costs +=list(steps[:n_free] + n - offset -1) possible_moves += [ (target + offset, move, cost) for move, cost inzip(moves, costs) ]return possible_movesdef navigate(source, destination): n = (len(source) -7) //4 q = queue.PriorityQueue() q.put((0, source)) seen =set()while q: cost, position = q.get()if position == destination:return costif position in seen:continue seen.add(tuple(position))for source_index, target_index, distance in find_moves(position, n): new_position =list(position) value = position[source_index] new_position[source_index] =0 new_position[target_index] = value q.put((cost + value * distance, tuple(new_position)))return np.inf
With all of that out of the way, actually solving the puzzle is just a question of calling the navigate function. First for part 1
source =tuple(letter_to_value[x] for x in"CDCABABD ")destination =tuple(letter_to_value[x] for x in"AABBCCDD ")navigate(source, destination)
Part 2
And then for part 2
s =tuple(letter_to_value[x] for x in"CDDDCBCABABABCAD ")d =tuple(letter_to_value[x] for x in"AAAABBBBCCCCDDDD ")navigate(s, d)
Rarely in AOC have I had a worse ratio of thinking employed to code written - this code looks way simpler than for day 23, but getting there was a real challenge.
I think this is the intended approach, since it uses the realisation that if we multiply z by 26 6 times, then to get back below zero, we need to divide 7 times. So each time there’s a divide, the value of w is fixed.
data = load(24, "raw")chunks = [[y.split() for y in x.split("\n") if y] for x in data.split("inp w\n")][1:]indices = [3, 4, 14]table = [[chunk[index][2] for index in indices] for chunk in chunks]triples = [[int(n) for n in row] for row in table]def run(triple, z, w): a, b, c = tripleif w == z %26+ b:return z // areturn (z // a) *26+ w + czs = [[0, 0]]for triple in triples: new_zs = []for prefix, z in zs:if triple[0] ==26: w = z %26+ triple[1] ws = [w] if1<= w <10else []else: ws =range(1, 10) new_zs += [(10* prefix + w, run(triple, z, w)) for w in ws] zs = new_zsmax(x[0] for x in zs)
We can be slightly smarter with pen and paper. The test is always z % 26 + something, which means that we always get out wn + cn for some n, since (z // a) * 26 % 26 = 0. Keeping track of the order in which the a = 1 and a = 26 instructions arrive, we can match each of the 14 instructions to exactly one other, giving a series of relationships like w1 = w14 + 8. Then it’s just a question of forcing the early digit of each pair to the highest possible allowed value.
lookup = {".": 0, ">": 1, "v": -1}reverse = {v: k for k, v in lookup.items()}array = np.array([[lookup[char] for char in line] for line in load(25)], dtype=int)def move_one(array, direction=1): critter =2* direction -1 critters = np.where(array == critter) filtered = np.roll(array, -1, axis=direction)[critters] ==0 old_positions = (critters[0][filtered], critters[1][filtered]) new_positions = [x.copy() for x in old_positions] new_positions[direction] = (new_positions[direction] +1) % array.shape[direction] array[old_positions] =0 array[tuple(new_positions)] = critterreturnnot filtered.any()def to_string(array):return"\n".join(["".join([reverse[value] for value in line]) for line in array])i =0whileTrue: m1 = move_one(array, 1) m2 = move_one(array, 0) i +=1if m1 and m2:breaki
Source Code
---title: 2021 Solutions---# Imports```{python}import functoolsimport itertoolsimport osimport queueimport sysfrom collections import defaultdictfrom pathlib import Pathimport numpy as npimport pandas as pdsys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(sys.path[0], ".."))import utilsload = utils.year_load(2021)datadir = Path("../data/2021")```# [Day 1: Sonar Sweep]( Part 1```{python}data = load(1, "np")(np.diff(data) >0).sum()```## Part 2```{python}(pd.Series(data).rolling(3).sum().diff() >0).sum()```# [Day 2: Dive!]( Part 1```{python}data = [x.split() for x in load(2)]df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["instruction", "amount"])df["amount"] = df["amount"].apply(int)totals = df.groupby("instruction").sum()(totals.loc["forward"] * (totals.loc["down"] - totals.loc["up"])).iat[0]```## Part 2```{python}state = (0, 0, 0)ops = {"down": lambda x, y: (x[0] + y, x[1], x[2]),"up": lambda x, y: (x[0] - y, x[1], x[2]),"forward": lambda x, y: (x[0], x[1] + y, x[2] + x[0] * y),}for row in data: state = ops[row[0]](state, int(row[1]))print(state[1] * state[2])```# [Day 3: Binary Diagnostic]( Part 1```{python}df = pd.read_fwf(datadir /"3.txt", widths=[1] *12, header=None)def binarize(array):returnint("".join(str(x) for x in array.reshape(-1)), 2)bits = df.median().to_numpy(dtype=int)binarize(bits) * binarize(1- bits)```## Part 2```{python}oxygen = dfco2 = dffor column in df.columns: oxygen = oxygen[oxygen[column] ==int(oxygen[column].median() +0.5)]iflen(co2) >1: co2 = co2[co2[column] !=int(co2[column].median() +0.5)]binarize(oxygen.to_numpy()) * binarize(co2.to_numpy())```# [Day 4: Giant Squid]( Part 1```{python}data = load(4, "raw").split("\n\n")numbers = np.array([int(x) for x in data[0].strip().split(",")])boards = np.array( [int(x) for x in" ".join(data[1:]).replace("\n", " ").split()]).reshape(-1, 5, 5)def winning_array(boards):return ((boards ==-1).all(axis=2) | (boards ==-1).all(axis=1)).any(axis=1)for number in numbers: boards[np.where(boards == number)] =-1if winning_array(boards).any():breakindex = np.where(winning_array(boards))np.sum(, mask=(boards ==-1))[index]) * number```## Part 2Figure out which board will win last. Once it wins, what would its final score be?```{python}for number in numbers: boards[np.where(boards == number)] =-1 wins = winning_array(boards)if wins.sum() ==len(boards) -1: index = np.where(~wins)[0]if wins.all():breaknp.sum(, mask=(boards ==-1))[index]) * number```# [Day 5: Hydrothermal Venture]( Part 1```{python}data = pd.read_csv(datadir /"5.txt", names=["x1", "middle", "y2"])data[["y1", "x2"]] = data["middle"].apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x.split("->")).astype("int"))grid = np.zeros((1000, 1000))def endpoints_to_line(x1, x2, y1, y2): steps =max(abs(x1 - x2), abs(y1 - y2)) delta = np.array([np.sign(x2 - x1), np.sign(y2 - y1)]) points = [np.array([x1, y1]) + delta * n for n inrange(steps +1)]returntuple(np.array(points).T.tolist())on_axis = data[(data["x1"] == data["x2"]) | (data["y1"] == data["y2"])]for row in on_axis.itertuples(): grid[endpoints_to_line(row.x1, row.x2, row.y1, row.y2)] +=1(grid >1).sum()```## Part 2```{python}skewed = data[(data["x1"] != data["x2"]) & (data["y1"] != data["y2"])]for row in skewed.itertuples(): grid[endpoints_to_line(row.x1, row.x2, row.y1, row.y2)] +=1(grid >1).sum()```# [Day 6: Lanternfish]( Part 1```{python}data = load(6, "np")population, _ = np.histogram(data, range(10))transition_matrix = np.roll(np.eye(9, dtype=int), 1, axis=1)transition_matrix[6, 0] =1(np.linalg.matrix_power(transition_matrix, 80) @ population).sum()```## Part 2```{python}(np.linalg.matrix_power(transition_matrix, 256) @ population).sum()```# [Day 7: The Treachery of Whales]( Part 1```{python}data = load(7, "np")np.abs(data - np.median(data)).sum()```## Part 2```{python}def cost(position): delta = np.abs(data - position)return ((delta) * (delta +1) /2).sum()options = [cost(int(data.mean())), cost(int(data.mean() +0.5))]min(options)```# [Day 8: Seven Segment Search]( Part 1```{python}segments = [line.split("|")[1].split() for line in load(8)]mylen = np.vectorize(len)np.isin(mylen(segments), [2, 3, 4, 7]).sum()```## Part 2This is an obvious task for constraint programming. It feels a bit like cheating, so I'll see if I can come up with a home-grown approach at a later stage. I'll start by describing the segment pattern of each digit. I'm deliberately using numbers for the segment positions and letters for the segment names so that I don't get confused.We can do part 2 by exploiting the structure in our data.We know that every digit occurs before the pipe for every row in our input.Using that, we can immediately identify segment 1, segments {36} segments {24} and segments {57}.The three five segment numbers let us disambiguate {147}, {25}, {36}. 147 occur in every group, 25 in only 1 and 36 in twoThe three six segment numbers let us disambiguate {1267}, {345}.- 1 is the segment present in 3 but not in 2.- 2 is the segment present in 4, not present in 2, and present in every 6- 3 is the segment present in 2 which is not present in every 6- 4 is the segment present in 4, not present in 2, and not present in every 6- 5 is the segment not present in 4 which only occurs once in 5- 6 is the segment which is present in 2 and is present in every 6- 7 is the segment present in every 5, not present in every 6, not present in 4 It's not super elegant, and I kind of prefer just using the generalised constraints programming.# [Day 9: Smoke Basin]( Part 1```{python}data = pd.read_fwf(datadir /"9.txt", widths=[1] *100, header=None).to_numpy()data = np.pad(data, pad_width=1, mode="constant", constant_values=9)mask = ( (data < np.roll(data, -1, axis=0))& (data < np.roll(data, 1, axis=0))& (data < np.roll(data, -1))& (data < np.roll(data, 1))) +1, mask=~mask).sum()```## Part 2```{python}def up(x, y):return x, y +1def down(x, y):return x, y -1def left(x, y):return x -1, ydef right(x, y):return x +1, ymoves = [up, down, left, right]def basin(x, y): visited = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=bool) neighbors = [(x, y)] result =0while neighbors: x, y = neighbors.pop()if data[x, y] ==9or visited[x, y]:continue result +=1 visited[x, y] =Truefor move in moves: new_x, new_y = move(x, y)ifnot visited[new_x, new_y]: neighbors.append((new_x, new_y))return resultlow_points =zip(*np.where(mask))sizes =list(map(lambda x: basin(*x), low_points))print(np.product(sorted(sizes)[-3:]))```# [Day 10: Syntax Scoring]( Part 1```{python}lines = load(10)pairs = ["[]", "()", "<>", "{}"]def normalize(string): old_string = stringwhileTrue:for pair in pairs: string = string.replace(pair, "")if string == old_string:break old_string = stringreturn stringscores = {")": 3, "]": 57, "}": 1197, ">": 25137}total =0for line in lines: normalized = normalize(line) indices = np.array([normalized.find(pair[1]) for pair in pairs])if (indices ==-1).all():continue index =min(index for index in indices if index !=-1) total += scores[normalized[index]]print(total)```## Part 2```{python}delimiters =" ([{<"scores = []for line in lines: normalized = normalize(line) indices = np.array([normalized.find(pair[1]) for pair in pairs])if (indices !=-1).any():continue scores.append( functools.reduce(lambda x, y: 5* x + delimiters.find(y), normalized[::-1], 0) )int(np.median(scores))```# [Day 11: Dumbo Octopus]( Part 1```{python}def find_neighbors(x, y):return ( (x -1, x -1, x -1, x, x, x +1, x +1, x +1), (y -1, y, y +1, y -1, y +1, y -1, y, y +1), )def step(board): board +=1 flashed = np.zeros(board.shape, dtype=bool) indices =list(zip(*np.where(board >9)))while indices: x, y = indices.pop()if flashed[x, y]:continue flashed[x, y] =True neighbors = find_neighbors(x, y) board[neighbors] +=1for neighbor inzip(*neighbors):if board[neighbor] >9: indices.append(neighbor) board[np.where(flashed)] =0return flashed.sum()result =0data = pd.read_fwf(datadir /"11.txt", widths=[1] *10, header=None).to_numpy( dtype=float)data = np.pad(data, pad_width=1, mode="constant", constant_values=-np.inf)arr = data.copy()for i inrange(100): result += step(arr)print(result)```## Part 2```{python}count =0arr = data.copy()while arr[1:-1, 1:-1].sum() >0: step(arr) count +=1count```# [Day 12: Passage Pathing]( Part 1```{python}def flatten(mylist):return (element for sublist in mylist for element in sublist)def edges_to_tree(edges, repeat_visits=0): tree = defaultdict(set)for e1, e2 in edges: tree[e1].add(e2) tree[e2].add(e1)return treedef remove_node(tree, node): tree = tree.copy() neighbors = tree[node]del tree[node]for neighbor in neighbors: tree[neighbor] = tree[neighbor] -set([node])return treedef paths(tree, node, end):if node == end:return [(end,)]ifnot tree[node]:return [] new_tree = tree if node == node.upper() else remove_node(tree, node)return [ (node,) + xfor x in flatten([paths(new_tree, neighbor, end) for neighbor in tree[node]]) ]edges = [line.split("-") for line in load(12)]tree = edges_to_tree(edges)len(paths(tree, "start", "end"))```## Part 2```{python}def paths(tree):def inner(subtree, node, end, state):if node == end:return [(end,)]ifnot subtree[node]:return [] new_tree = subtree if node == node.upper() else remove_node(subtree, node) tail = [inner(new_tree, neighbor, end, state) for neighbor in subtree[node]]if state ==1and node !="start": tail += [inner(subtree, neighbor, end, 0) for neighbor in subtree[node]]return [(node,) + x for x in flatten(tail)]return inner(tree, "start", "end", 1)len(set(paths(tree)))```# [Day 13: Transparent Origami]( Part 1```{python}start = load(13, "np")arr = np.zeros(start.max(axis=0) +1, dtype=bool)arr[start[:, 0], start[:, 1]] =1top = arr[:655]bottom = arr[656:]bottom = np.pad(bottom, ((0, top.shape[0] - bottom.shape[0]), (0, 0)))print((top | np.flip(bottom, 0)).sum())```## Part 2```{python}replacement = np.vectorize(lambda x: "█"if x else" ")instructions = ["x=655","y=447","x=327","y=223","x=163","y=111","x=81","y=55","x=40","y=27","y=13","y=6",]for instruction in instructions: direction, position = instruction.split("=") position =int(position) arr = arr.T if direction =="y"else arr top = arr[:position] bottom = arr[position +1 :]if top.shape[0] < bottom.shape[0]: top = np.pad(top, ((bottom.shape[0] - top.shape[0], 0), (0, 0)))else: bottom = np.pad(bottom, ((0, top.shape[0] - bottom.shape[0]), (0, 0))) arr = np.flip(bottom, 0) | top arr = arr.T if direction =="y"else arrfor row in replacement(arr.T):print("".join(row))```# [Day 14: Extended Polymerization]('s another puzzle that seems tailor made for a transition matrix based approach. We are given an initial state, and a set of rules for producing the next state from the current state. The rules are all phrased in terms of pairs, so we should work in the basis of pairs of elements.A rule like CH -\> B should be interpreted as state "CH" produces states "CB" and "BH" in the next generation.## Part 1```{python}state_string ="VCOPVNKPFOOVPVSBKCOF"data = load(14)transition_elements ="".join(line.replace(" -> ", "") for line in data)elements =sorted(set(state_string + transition_elements))n =len(elements)def encode(pair):return elements.index(pair[0]) * n + elements.index(pair[1])initial_pairs = [encode(state_string[i : i +2]) for i inrange(len(state_string) -1)]initial_state = np.zeros(n**2, dtype=np.int64)for pair in initial_pairs: initial_state[pair] +=1transition_matrix = np.zeros((n**2, n**2), dtype=np.int64)for line in data: source, target = line.split(" -> ") transition_matrix[encode(source), encode(source[0] + target)] =1 transition_matrix[encode(source), encode(target + source[1])] =1def count(state): result = defaultdict(int) result[state_string[0]] +=1 result[state_string[-1]] +=1for index, number inenumerate(state): result[elements[int(index % n)]] += number result[elements[int(index // n)]] += numberreturn {k: int(v /2) for k, v in result.items()}totals = count(initial_state.T @ (np.linalg.matrix_power(transition_matrix, 10)))pd.Series(totals).max() - pd.Series(totals).min()```## Part 2```{python}totals = count(initial_state.T @ (np.linalg.matrix_power(transition_matrix, 40)))pd.Series(totals).max() - pd.Series(totals).min()```# [Day 15: Chiton]( Part 1This is a shortest path search, where we'll use a priority queue to store the items and their cost. Reusing my A\* implementation then gives```{python}data = pd.read_fwf(datadir /"15.txt", widths=[1] *100, header=None).to_numpy( dtype=int)def neighbors(state, data=None): x, y = stateif data isNone:return [] xmax, ymax = data.shape candidates = [(x -1, y), (x +1, y), (x, y -1), (x, y +1)]return [c for c in candidates if0<= c[0] < xmax and0<= c[1] < ymax]def cost(state, neighbor, data=None):return1if data isNoneelse0if state == neighbor else data[neighbor]def heuristic(node, end):returnabs(node[0] - end[0]) +abs(node[1] - end[1])utils.astar((0, 0), (99, 99), neighbors, heuristic, cost, data=data)```## Part 2```{python}x, y = data.shapearr = np.zeros([5* x, 5* y], dtype=int)for i inrange(5):for j inrange(5): arr[i * x : (i +1) * x, j * y : (j +1) * y] = data + i + jarr = ((arr -1) %9) +1utils.astar((0, 0), (499, 499), neighbors, heuristic, cost, data=arr)```# [Day 16: Packet Decoder]( Part 1```{python}nybbles = {hex(i)[2:]: bin(i)[2:].rjust(4, "0") for i inrange(16)}def parse(bitstring):iflen(bitstring) ==0orset(bitstring) ==set("0"):return0, 0 version =int(bitstring[:3], 2) offset =3 type_id =int(bitstring[offset : offset +3], 2) offset +=3if type_id ==4:whileTrue: chunk = bitstring[offset : offset +5] offset +=5if chunk[0] !="1":breakreturn version, offset kind = bitstring[offset] offset +=1if kind =="0": length =int(bitstring[offset : offset +15], 2) offset +=15 target = offset + lengthwhile offset != target: dv, do = parse(bitstring[offset:]) version += dv offset += doreturn version, targetif kind =="1": n_operators =int(bitstring[offset : offset +11], 2) offset +=11for i inrange(n_operators): dv, do = parse(bitstring[offset:]) version += dv offset += doreturn version, offsetdata = load(16)[0]bits ="".join(nybbles[x.lower()] for x in data)parse(bits)```## Part 2For part 2, we have to completely ignore the version number and actually do something with the data associated with each packet. Actually moving through the packet happens in the same way, but what we have to do at each level is sufficiently different that it's not worth it to try and reuse the parsing function.```{python}def evaluate_one_packet(bitstring): offset =3 type_id =int(bitstring[offset : offset +3], 2) offset +=3if type_id ==4: result =""whileTrue: chunk = bitstring[offset : offset +5] result += chunk[1:] offset +=5if chunk[0] =="0":breakreturnint(result, 2), offset kind = bitstring[offset] offset +=1 operands = []if kind =="0": length =int(bitstring[offset : offset +15], 2) offset +=15 target = offset + lengthwhile offset < target: operand, do = evaluate_one_packet(bitstring[offset:]) operands.append(operand) offset += doelif kind =="1": n_operators =int(bitstring[offset : offset +11], 2) offset +=11for i inrange(n_operators): operand, do = evaluate_one_packet(bitstring[offset:]) operands.append(operand) offset += do operators = [sum, np.product,min,max,None,lambda x: x[0] > x[1],lambda x: x[0] < x[1],lambda x: x[0] == x[1], ]return operators[type_id](operands), offsetprint(evaluate_one_packet(bits)[0])```# [Day 17: Trick Shot]( Part 1First pen and paper solution for this year.Things to note:1. x and y are completely decoupled2. There exists a time velocity x~0~ such that the probe will be within the target area for all t \> some t~i~3. As long as the up velocity is greater than this, then by the time the probe reaches the baseline in y, it will have stopped in x.4. The arc up and down is symmetric; a probe launched from y=0 at t=0 with v=v0 will hit y=0 at t=2v0 + 15. This probe will have velocity (-v0 - 1) at that point6. If -v0 - 1 \< bottom of target, then the probe will entirely miss the target in the next step7. The greater v0 is, the higher the probe will go; ymax = ½ v0 (v0 + 1)8. So we just set -v0 - 1 = -126 =\> v0 = 1259. So ymax = 125 \* 126 / 2 = 7875.10. ∎## Part 2```{python}xmin, xmax =217, 240ymin, ymax =-126, -69parabola =lambda v, t: (t * v -int(t * (t -1) /2))time_map = defaultdict(list)for vy inrange(ymin, -ymin):for time in [ t for t inrange(1, 3-2* ymin) if parabola(vy, t) inrange(ymin, ymax +1) ]: time_map[time].append(vy)def x_times(vx): times = [t for t inrange(1, vx) if parabola(vx, t) inrange(xmin, xmax +1)]if vx -1in times: times +=list(range(max(times) +1, max(time_map.keys()) +1))return timesresult = []for vx inrange(int(0.5+ np.sqrt(0.25+2* xmin)), xmax +1): times = x_times(vx)for time in times:for vy in time_map[time]: result.append((vx, vy))print(len(set(result)))```# [Day 18: Snailfish]( Part 1```{python}def to_node(thing, depth):ifisinstance(thing, int):return thingelifisinstance(thing, Pair):for node in thing.traverse(): node.depth +=1return thingelse:return Pair(thing[0], thing[1], depth +1)class Pair:def__init__(self, left, right, depth=0):self.depth = depthself.left = to_node(left, depth)self.right = to_node(right, depth)def leftmost(self):returnselfifisinstance(self.left, int) elseself.left.leftmost()def rightmost(self):returnselfifisinstance(self.right, int) elseself.right.rightmost()defsum(self): left =self.left ifisinstance(self.left, int) elseself.left.sum() right =self.right ifisinstance(self.right, int) elseself.right.sum()return3* left +2* rightdef traverse(self): left = [] ifisinstance(self.left, int) elseself.left.traverse() right = [] ifisinstance(self.right, int) elseself.right.traverse()return left + [self] + rightdefreduce(self):whileTrue: altered =False altered =self.explode()ifnot altered: altered =self.split()ifnot altered:returnselfdef split(self):for node inself.traverse():for d in ["left", "right"]: val =getattr(node, d)ifisinstance(val, int) and val >=10:setattr(node, d, Pair(val //2, val //2+ val %2, node.depth +1))returnTruereturnFalsedef explode(self): traversal =self.traverse()for idx, node inenumerate(traversal):if node.depth ==4:if idx ==len(traversal) -1: parent = traversal[idx -1] direction ="right"elif traversal[idx +1].left == node: parent = traversal[idx +1] direction ="left"else: parent = traversal[idx -1] direction ="right"setattr(parent, direction, 0)if idx !=0:ifisinstance(traversal[idx -1].left, int): traversal[idx -1].left += node.leftelse: left_neighbor = traversal[idx -1].left.rightmost() left_neighbor.right += node.leftif idx !=len(traversal) -1:ifisinstance(traversal[idx +1].right, int): traversal[idx +1].right += node.rightelse: right_neighbor = traversal[idx +1].right.leftmost() right_neighbor.left += node.rightreturnTruereturnFalsesnumbers = [eval(line) for line in load(18)]result = Pair(*snumbers[0])for snumber in snumbers[1:]: result = Pair(result, Pair(*snumber)).reduce()print(result.sum())```## Part 2```{python}maxval =0for left, right in itertools.permutations(snumbers, 2): total = (Pair(left, right).reduce()).sum() maxval = total if total > maxval else maxvalmaxval```# [Day 19: Beacon Scanner]( Part 1We'll start by generating the 24 rotation matrices. There are six possible ways of permuting the axes, and eight possible sign conventions. Half of the sign conventions will be left-handed, so we discard them```{python}rotations = []for permutation in itertools.permutations([0, 1, 2], 3): arr = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=int) arr[np.array([0, 1, 2]), permutation] =1for sign in itertools.product([-1, 1], repeat=3): rotation = arr.copy() * signif np.linalg.det(rotation) >0: rotations.append(rotation)```Then we find overlapping scanners in the input and populate a map (x, y) with the matrices to convert from y coordinates to x coordinates```{python}from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareformfoo = load(19, "raw")[:-1]scanners = foo.split("\n\n")scanners = [ np.array( [list(map(int, line.split(","))) for line in scanner.split("\n")[1:]], dtype=int )for scanner in scanners]distances = [squareform(pdist(scanner)) for scanner in scanners]mapping = {}for a, b in itertools.combinations(range(len(scanners)), 2): pairs = [] d0 = distances[a] d1 = distances[b]for i inrange(len(d0)):for j inrange(len(d1)):iflen(np.intersect1d(d1[j], d0[i])) >=12: pairs.append((i, j)) pairs = np.array(pairs)iflen(pairs) <12:continue x0 = scanners[a][pairs[:, 0]] y0 = scanners[b][pairs[:, 1]]for rotation in rotations: c = x0[0] - y0[0] @ rotationif (x0[1:] == (y0[1:] @ rotation + c)).all(): mapping[(a, b)] = [rotation, c] mapping[(b, a)] = [rotation.T, -c @ rotation.T]break```We do some linear algebra to extend this map to all the scanners```{python}whileTrue: done =Truefor x inrange(len(scanners)): columns = [pair[1] for pair in mapping.keys() if pair[0] == x]for y, z in itertools.combinations(columns, 2):if (y, z) notin mapping: done =False Q1, a1 = mapping[(x, y)] Q2, a2 = mapping[(x, z)] mapping[(z, y)] = [Q1 @ Q2.T, (a1 - a2) @ Q2.T] mapping[(y, z)] = [Q2 @ Q1.T, (a2 - a1) @ Q1.T]if done:break```And then we convert all the initial coordinates to one representation and find its length```{python}coords = [tuple(x) for x in scanners[0]]for idx inrange(1, len(scanners)): Q, a = mapping[0, idx] coords += [tuple(x) for x in (np.array(scanners[idx]) @ Q + a)]print(len(set(coords)))```## Part 2What is the largest Manhattan distance between any two scanners?```{python}maxval =0for i, j in itertools.combinations(range(len(scanners)), 2): total =sum(abs(mapping[(i, j)][1]))if total > maxval: maxval = totalmaxval```# [Day 20: Trench Map]( Part 1 and 2```{python}data = load(20, "raw")pixel_map = {".": 0, "#": 1}key, array = data.split("\n\n")key = np.array([pixel_map[x] for x in key.strip()], dtype=bool)new = np.array( [[pixel_map[x] for x in line.strip()] for line in array.split("\n")[:-1]])for n inrange(1, 51): old = np.pad(new, 2, constant_values=(n %2==0)) new = old.copy()for i inrange(1, len(old) -1):for j inrange(1, len(old) -1): index =sum( (2** np.arange(9)) * old[i -1 : i +2, j -1 : j +2].ravel()[::-1] ) new[i, j] = key[index] new = new[1:-1, 1:-1]if n ==2or n ==50:print(new.sum())```# [Day 21: Dirac Dice]( Part 1```{python}positions, scores, count = [4, 6], [0, 0], 0def step_one(position, score, count): position = (position +3* count +5) %10+1return position, score + position, count +3i =0whilemax(scores) <1000: positions[i], scores[i %2], count = step_one( positions[i %2], scores[i %2], count ) i =1- icount *min(scores)```## Part 2```{python}states = {((4, 0), (6, 0)): 1}wins = [0, 0]# The frequency table for the 3x3 dicerolls = [0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 6, 7, 6, 3, 1]def step_one(states, player): new_states = defaultdict(int)for state in states:for step inrange(3, 10): new_position = ((state[player][0] + step) -1) %10+1 new_score = state[player][1] + new_positionif new_score >=21: wins[player] += states[state] * rolls[step]else: new_state =list(state) new_state[player] = (new_position, new_score) new_states[tuple(new_state)] += states[state] * rolls[step]return new_states, winsi =0while states: states, wins = step_one(states, i) i =1- imax(wins)```# [Day 22: Reactor Reboot]( Part 1The first part can be solved trivially by using numpy's indexing```{python}offset =50board = np.zeros((101, 101, 101), dtype=int)def parse_line(line): command, line = line.split(" ") indices = [x.split("..") for x in line.split(",")]return command, [[int(x[0][2:]), int(x[1]) +1] for x in indices]commands = [parse_line(line) for line in load(22)]values = {"on": 1, "off": 0}maxval =0for command, indices in commands: idx = np.ravel(indices) + offsetifmax(abs(idx)) > maxval: maxval =max(abs(idx))if (idx <0).any() or (idx >100).any():continue board[idx[0] : idx[1], idx[2] : idx[3], idx[4] : idx[5]] = values[command]board.sum()```## Part 2The above approach doesn't work for part two since the field of play is too large; we have \~ 100k elements in each direction, which give \~10\*\*15 elements in total; far too much to keep in memory.The first step is to realise that the vast majority of the empty space is never touched – so there's no reason to store all those zeros.What we can do instead is to store a set containing only the coordinates which are turned on. Turning on more coordinates corresponds to making the union with the new coordinate, while turning off coordinates is a set difference. This automatically accounts for not lighting coordinates which are already lit, and not turning off coordinates which are already off.Unfortunately, this is still too memory intensive – from the example solution, we see that at the end of the process, 2,758,514,936,282,235 coordinates are on, which is way too many to store individually.We need an approach that only looks at corners of cuboids, and doesn't need to store the individual coordinates at all.If there were only "on" instructions, we could use the inclusion-exclusion principle, along with the fact that the intersection of two cuboids is always another cuboid, or empty.That is, the volume lit by one "on" instruction is just the volume of the cuboid it represents. The volume lit by two is the sum of the volumes of each, minus the volume of their intersection. The volume lit by three is:- The volume of the individual cuboids- Minus the volume of all the pairwise intersections- Plus the volume of the triple intersectionAnd this extends to the general case. The volume lit after the n^th^ instruction, N, is:The volume lit after the (n-1)th instruction plus the volume of N, minus the sum of the volumes of the pairwise intersection of N with all previous instructions, plus the sum of the volumes of intersection of N with all previously calculated pairs, and so on.Turning a cuboid off is equivalent to removing the intersection between it and all the other cuboids from the sum, and then accounting for the double counting by adding back the triple intersections etc. But that's the same as we're doing for the positive cuboid, except for the off cuboid we never add the volume of the individual cuboidWe're going to need a way of calculating the intersection of two cuboids. But that's just the intersection of 3 pairs of lines, since the cuboids are axis-aligned. And we can intersect two line segments and hence two cuboids as follows```{python}def intersect_segments(x1, x2): pair = [max(x1[0], x2[0]), min(x1[1], x2[1])]return pair if pair[1] > pair[0] elseFalsedef intersect_cuboids(c1, c2): result = [intersect_segments(*pair) for pair inzip(c1, c2)]return result ifall(result) elseFalse```The segments were originally given as closed intervals, but the parsing converted them to open intervals. The length of each is thus the endpoint minus the starting point. The volume of a cuboid is just the product the three lengths:```{python}def cuboid_volume(cuboid):return np.product([[line[1] - line[0]] for line in cuboid])```The approach we'll take is to process the list of instructions sequentially, calculating the various intersections as we go. They'll go in a list where the first element represents the positive terms, and the second represents the negative terms. The final score is then just the sum of the positive values minus the sum of the negative valuesPutting it all together gives the following. For each instruction, we intersect with all previous cuboids, and swap the signs. If it's an "on" instruction, we also add the whole region to the list of positive volumes.```{python}def reboot(instructions): state = [[], []]for instruction, region in instructions: extra = [region] if instruction =="on"else [] clipped_state = [ [c for cuboid in s if (c := intersect_cuboids(cuboid, region))]for s in state ] state = [state[0] + clipped_state[1] + extra, state[1] + clipped_state[0]]returnsum(map(cuboid_volume, state[0])) -sum(map(cuboid_volume, state[1]))reboot(commands)```# [Day 23: Amphipod]( Part 1This is definitely not pretty, and takes a bunch of time to run as well, but it works. This is a pathfinding problem: Given some initial state, our goal is to move to the final state with as small a cost as possible.The tricky thing is to find the neighboring positions that can be reached from a given position with a valid move. There are only two types of moves- Room to hallway- Hallway to roomThe third type (room straight to final room) is just the composition of the above two moves.Once we have a method for finding neighbors, actually running the pathfinding is comparatively simple. This could probably be improved by including a heuristic for how far away a given state is from the finish, but getting finding and calculating a suitable heuristic is fiddly.```{python}value_to_letter = {0: " ", 1: "A", 10: "B", 100: "C", 1000: "D"}letter_to_value = {v: k for k, v in value_to_letter.items()}number_to_room = {10**i: i for i inrange(4)}room_to_number = {v: k for k, v in number_to_room.items()}def find_blockers(room, n): top_row =list(range(4* n, 4* n +7)) distances = [1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1] left = top_row[: room +2][::-1], np.cumsum(distances[: room +2][::-1]) right = top_row[room +2 :], np.cumsum(distances[room +2 :])return left, rightdef find_moves(position, n=2): position = np.array(position)def is_endgame(room):returnset(position[n * room : n * (room +1)]) <=set( [0, room_to_number[room]] ) possible_moves = []for i in [idx +4* n for idx, val inenumerate(position[4* n :]) if val !=0]: room = number_to_room[position[i]]ifnot is_endgame(room):continue left, right = find_blockers(room, n) moves, costs = left if i in left[0] else right index = moves.index(i)if (position[moves[:index]] !=0).any():continue offset = np.argwhere(position[n * room : n * (room +1)] ==0)[0][0] new_position = n * room + offset cost = costs[index] + n -1- offset possible_moves.append((i, new_position, cost))for room inrange(4): target = room * nif is_endgame(room):continue offset = np.argwhere(position[target : target + n])[-1][-1] moves, costs = [], []for block, steps in find_blockers(room, n): free = np.maximum.accumulate(position[block]) ==0ifnot free.any():continue n_free = np.argwhere(free)[-1][-1] +1 moves += block[:n_free] costs +=list(steps[:n_free] + n - offset -1) possible_moves += [ (target + offset, move, cost) for move, cost inzip(moves, costs) ]return possible_movesdef navigate(source, destination): n = (len(source) -7) //4 q = queue.PriorityQueue() q.put((0, source)) seen =set()while q: cost, position = q.get()if position == destination:return costif position in seen:continue seen.add(tuple(position))for source_index, target_index, distance in find_moves(position, n): new_position =list(position) value = position[source_index] new_position[source_index] =0 new_position[target_index] = value q.put((cost + value * distance, tuple(new_position)))return np.inf```With all of that out of the way, actually solving the puzzle is just a question of calling the navigate function. First for part 1```{python}source =tuple(letter_to_value[x] for x in"CDCABABD ")destination =tuple(letter_to_value[x] for x in"AABBCCDD ")navigate(source, destination)```## Part 2And then for part 2```{python}s =tuple(letter_to_value[x] for x in"CDDDCBCABABABCAD ")d =tuple(letter_to_value[x] for x in"AAAABBBBCCCCDDDD ")navigate(s, d)```# [Day 24: Arithmetic Logic Unit]( Part 1Rarely in AOC have I had a worse ratio of thinking employed to code written - this code looks way simpler than for day 23, but getting there was a real challenge.I think this is the intended approach, since it uses the realisation that if we multiply z by 26 6 times, then to get back below zero, we need to divide 7 times. So each time there's a divide, the value of w is fixed.```{python}data = load(24, "raw")chunks = [[y.split() for y in x.split("\n") if y] for x in data.split("inp w\n")][1:]indices = [3, 4, 14]table = [[chunk[index][2] for index in indices] for chunk in chunks]triples = [[int(n) for n in row] for row in table]def run(triple, z, w): a, b, c = tripleif w == z %26+ b:return z // areturn (z // a) *26+ w + czs = [[0, 0]]for triple in triples: new_zs = []for prefix, z in zs:if triple[0] ==26: w = z %26+ triple[1] ws = [w] if1<= w <10else []else: ws =range(1, 10) new_zs += [(10* prefix + w, run(triple, z, w)) for w in ws] zs = new_zsmax(x[0] for x in zs)```We can be slightly smarter with pen and paper. The test is always z % 26 + something, which means that we always get out w~n~ + c~n~ for some n, since (z // a) \* 26 % 26 = 0. Keeping track of the order in which the a = 1 and a = 26 instructions arrive, we can match each of the 14 instructions to exactly one other, giving a series of relationships like w~1~ = w~14~ + 8. Then it's just a question of forcing the early digit of each pair to the highest possible allowed value.## Part 2After all that, luckily part 2 is trivial```{python}min(int(x[0]) for x in zs)```# [Day 25: Sea Cucumber](🎄```{python}lookup = {".": 0, ">": 1, "v": -1}reverse = {v: k for k, v in lookup.items()}array = np.array([[lookup[char] for char in line] for line in load(25)], dtype=int)def move_one(array, direction=1): critter =2* direction -1 critters = np.where(array == critter) filtered = np.roll(array, -1, axis=direction)[critters] ==0 old_positions = (critters[0][filtered], critters[1][filtered]) new_positions = [x.copy() for x in old_positions] new_positions[direction] = (new_positions[direction] +1) % array.shape[direction] array[old_positions] =0 array[tuple(new_positions)] = critterreturnnot filtered.any()def to_string(array):return"\n".join(["".join([reverse[value] for value in line]) for line in array])i =0whileTrue: m1 = move_one(array, 1) m2 = move_one(array, 0) i +=1if m1 and m2:breaki```